Visit of minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic Ivan Langer and the European commission vice-president Jacques Barrot

Washington, March 16 – 17, 2009 

On 16th and 17th March the Vice-President Jacques Barrot and Czech Minister of the Interior Ivan Langer will pay an official visit to US.
The aim of the visit is to establish contacts with the new presidential administration and set the tone for transatlantic relations in the area of justice and home affairs for the coming years.
Vice-President Barrot and Minister Langer will meet newly appointed Secretary for Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Attorney General Eric Holder as well as other representatives from the US Senate as Senator Joe Lieberman, the White House and the House of Representatives.
The delegations will discuss the key security issues, longer term priorities as well as prospects for future transatlantic relationship in the area of justice and home affairs. Following topics will be among those on the top of the list:  Visa, border protection and migration issues, Data protection and privacy, Use of modern technologies, mutual Legal Assistance and Extradition Agreements and Guantanamo Detention Center.
The press conference
Vice-President Barrot together with Minister Langer will brief the press on Monday, March 16, at 5 pm (at the Delegation of the European Commission in Washington, 2300 M Street, NW, 1st floor Press Room).
To attend this briefing, please contact Anna Prisco, or (202) – 429 6387.
Markéta Matlochová

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