Import of Motor Vehicles into the CR- Requirements for Registration | Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, D.C.

Import of Motor Vehicles into the CR- Requirements for Registration

05.02.2008 / 19:50 | Aktualizováno: 13.02.2014 / 15:15

Information on Import of Motor Vehicles into the Czech Republic & Requirements for Registration

Prior to the registration of a motor vehicle that was imported to the Czech Republic, the vehicle must be inspected by the Technical Inspection Unit. The certificate issued by this Unit remains valid for three months for the purpose of registration.

When importing five or less vehicles of the same type per year, individual inspection is required for each vehicle based on the request of the individual importer (usually a person). If more than five vehicles are imported in one year, the inspection of the respective type of vehicle is executed at the request of the producer or importer (usually a legal entity) and no further inspections are necessary for other imports of the same type that has been already approved.

If the vehicle meets the requirements set forth by Regulation No. 102/1995 Coll., it may then be registered by the T ransport Inspectorate of the Czech Police. The basic requirements for the registration of motor vehicles in the Czech Republic are:

  • proper technical condition including a low emission rate (a catalytic converter is not mandatory)

  • technical specification of the vehicle

  • vehicle operating manual

Various special requirements apply for vehicle registration in the Czech Republic, for example mirrors on both sides of vehicles, a gasoline tank with a lock, a steering wheel on the left side only, etc... It is highly recommended to contact the Transport Inspectorate in the respective city or the Police Department of the Ministry of Interior before importing a vehicle into the Czech Republic. The address is:

Policie Ceske republiky
Sprava hl. m. Prahy
Sekce Sluzby Dopravní Policie
Kongresová 2
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic

telephone: 420-2-611 853 8 fax: 420-2-611 85 336

The registration of a vehicle is not valid until its technical conditions meet all the requirements as mentioned above. Such registration enables the owner to travel abroad with the vehicle as well. The possibility for import duty exemption is governed by Regulation No 93/1993 Coll. and the basic condition is that the owner of the car in question has stayed abroad for a period of time longer than 12 months, and has been using the car for at least six months before its shipment to the Czech Republic.

The registration of vehicles imported by foreigners into the Czech Republic is not mandatory providing the vehicle does not stay (is not driven) in the Czech Republic for a period of time exceeding one year. Such vehicles will be cleared by customs for temporary import duty-free if they serve to meet the personal needs of the owners during their stay in the Czech Republic and will be exported from the country upon their departure.

Last update: June, 1999

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