Ranking of vote shares

Municipal council

Region: Liberecky kraj

District: Semily

Municipality: Ohrazenice

Ranking Share List of candidates Ranking
the party
number name
1 2 181.00 1 POZNAT - RESIT - ZIT 1
2 1 090.50 1 POZNAT - RESIT - ZIT 2
3 727.00 1 POZNAT - RESIT - ZIT 3
4 545.25 1 POZNAT - RESIT - ZIT 4
5 436.20 1 POZNAT - RESIT - ZIT 5
6 363.50 1 POZNAT - RESIT - ZIT 6
7 311.57 1 POZNAT - RESIT - ZIT 7
8 272.62 1 POZNAT - RESIT - ZIT 8
9 242.33 1 POZNAT - RESIT - ZIT 9