The eldest and the youngest candidates

Councils of municipalities, market towns, and towns

Region: Stredocesky kraj

District: Melnik

Electoral party: Sdruzeni SPD, NK

The eldest candidate (age: 66)

Municipality: 535133 – Obristvi
List of candidates: 3 – Pro Obristvi, Semilkovice a Dusniky s podporou - SPD
Candidate number: 9
Surname: Plocek
Name: Vladimir
Degrees: -
Occupation: zivnostnik - doprava
Place of residence: Obříství

The youngest candidate (age: 26)

Municipality: 535214 – Stremy
List of candidates: 3 – Lide pro obec Stremy a Jenichov s podporou SPD
Candidate number: 8
Surname: Kalfirt
Name: Frantisek
Degrees: -
Occupation: vedouci skladu
Place of residence: Střemy