The eldest and the youngest councillors

Councils of municipalities, market towns, and towns

Region: Stredocesky kraj

District: Praha-vychod

All parties

The eldest councillor (age: 81)

Municipality: 538604 – Panenske Brezany
List of candidates: 1 – BREZANACI 2018 ? Spolecne pro Brezany
Candidate number: 2
Surname: Vegh
Name: Mikulas
Degrees: Ing.
Occupation: mistostarosta obce Panenske Brezany
Place of residence: Panenské Břežany

The youngest councillor (age: 21)

Municipality: 538442 – Libeznice
List of candidates: 1 – Sdruzeni nezavislych kandidatu PRO LIBEZNICE
Candidate number: 2
Surname: Volpe
Name: Samuel
Degrees: -
Occupation: student, pravni asistent
Place of residence: Líbeznice