The eldest and the youngest councillors

Councils of municipalities, market towns, and towns

Region: Jihocesky kraj

District: Cesky Krumlov

Electoral party: Svoboda a pr. demokracie (SPD)

The eldest councillor (age: 44)

Municipality: 545562 – Kaplice
List of candidates: 6 – Svoboda a prima demokracie (SPD)
Candidate number: 1
Surname: Mikes
Name: Vaclav
Degrees: -
Occupation: protipozarni technik, zastupitel mesta Kaplice
Place of residence: Kaplice

The youngest councillor (age: 33)

Municipality: 545562 – Kaplice
List of candidates: 6 – Svoboda a prima demokracie (SPD)
Candidate number: 3
Surname: Hubacek
Name: Lubos
Degrees: -
Occupation: ucitel praktickeho vycviku
Place of residence: Kaplice