The eldest and the youngest candidates

Councils of municipalities, market towns, and towns

Region: Jihocesky kraj

District: Jindrichuv Hradec

Electoral party: Sdruzeni PATRIOTI, NK

The eldest candidate (age: 61)

Municipality: 546798 – Nova Bystrice
List of candidates: 4 – PATRIOTI Nova Bystrice
Candidate number: 6
Surname: Tomasek
Name: Vaclav
Degrees: -
Occupation: jednatel technickych sluzeb Nova Bystrice
Place of residence: Nová Bystřice

The youngest candidate (age: 27)

Municipality: 546798 – Nova Bystrice
List of candidates: 4 – PATRIOTI Nova Bystrice
Candidate number: 9
Surname: Mitasova
Name: Kristyna
Degrees: -
Occupation: administrativni pracovnice
Place of residence: Nová Bystřice