The eldest and the youngest councillors

Councils of municipalities, market towns, and towns

Region: Plzensky kraj

District: Domazlice

Electoral party: Hnuti nezavislych, PRO-Kdynsko

The eldest councillor (age: 58)

Municipality: 553786 – Kdyne
List of candidates: 2 – Hnuti nezavislych, PRO-Kdynsko
Candidate number: 4
Surname: Kawalkova
Name: Jana
Degrees: -
Occupation: podnikatelka
Place of residence: KdynÄ›

The youngest councillor (age: 32)

Municipality: 553786 – Kdyne
List of candidates: 2 – Hnuti nezavislych, PRO-Kdynsko
Candidate number: 2
Surname: Rihova
Name: Vera
Degrees: Ing. MPA
Occupation: mistostarostka mesta, predsedkyne hnuti
Place of residence: KdynÄ›