The eldest and the youngest councillors

Councils of municipalities, market towns, and towns

Region: Plzensky kraj

District: Plzen-sever

Electoral party: Sdruzeni SPD, NK

The eldest councillor (age: 58)

Municipality: 559300 – Nyrany
List of candidates: 4 – Nezavisle Nyrany s primou podporou Svobody a prime demokracie (SPD)
Candidate number: 1
Surname: Hrudicka
Name: Lubomir
Degrees: Ing.
Occupation: vedouci spravy letiste
Place of residence: Nýřany

The youngest councillor (age: 41)

Municipality: 559300 – Nyrany
List of candidates: 4 – Nezavisle Nyrany s primou podporou Svobody a prime demokracie (SPD)
Candidate number: 2
Surname: Maresch
Name: Maria
Degrees: -
Occupation: manazer logistiky
Place of residence: Nýřany