The eldest and the youngest candidates

Councils of municipalities, market towns, and towns

Region: Ustecky kraj

District: Decin

Electoral party: Socialni demokracie

The eldest candidate (age: 82)

Municipality: 562335 – Decin
List of candidates: 6 – Ceska strana socialne demokraticka
Candidate number: 21
Surname: Barak
Name: Jiri
Degrees: -
Occupation: byvaly predseda okresniho sdruzeni svazu zahradkaru Decin
Place of residence: Děčín XXXII-Boletice nad Labem

The youngest candidate (age: 36)

Municipality: 562335 – Decin
List of candidates: 6 – Ceska strana socialne demokraticka
Candidate number: 5
Surname: Navratil
Name: Kamil
Degrees: -
Occupation: pojistovaci makler
Place of residence: Děčín IX-Bynov