The eldest and the youngest candidates

Councils of municipalities, market towns, and towns

Region: Ustecky kraj

District: Most

Electoral party: DSZ - ZA PRAVA ZVIRAT, NK

The eldest candidate (age: 75)

Municipality: 567027 – Most
List of candidates: 10 – Demokraticka strana zelenych - ZA PRAVA ZVIRAT ? sdruzeni DSZ - ZA PRAVA ZVIRAT a NK
Candidate number: 7
Surname: Prantl
Name: Frantisek
Degrees: -
Occupation: duchodce
Place of residence: Most

The youngest candidate (age: 26)

Municipality: 567027 – Most
List of candidates: 10 – Demokraticka strana zelenych - ZA PRAVA ZVIRAT ? sdruzeni DSZ - ZA PRAVA ZVIRAT a NK
Candidate number: 3
Surname: Brhelova
Name: Natalie
Degrees: -
Occupation: ucitelka MS, ochrance zvirat
Place of residence: Most