The eldest and the youngest candidates

Councils of municipalities, market towns, and towns

Region: Zlinsky kraj

District: Uherske Hradiste

Electoral party: Sdruzeni KDU-CSL, NK

The eldest candidate (age: 66)

Municipality: 592005 – Uherske Hradiste
List of candidates: 6 – KDU-CSL a nezavisle osobnosti
Candidate number: 10
Surname: Vankova
Name: Marta
Degrees: -
Occupation: vrchni referentka Odboru personalniho Ministerstva dopravy ve vysluzbe
Place of residence: Jarošov

The youngest candidate (age: 22)

Municipality: 592005 – Uherske Hradiste
List of candidates: 6 – KDU-CSL a nezavisle osobnosti
Candidate number: 4
Surname: Mraz
Name: Ondrej
Degrees: -
Occupation: student politologie na Univerzite Palackeho v Olomouci, clen mistni komise
Place of residence: Mařatice