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Elections to regional councils held on 7.10. – 8.10.2016

The eldest and the youngest candidates

All regions

List of candidates: "SPOLU PRO KRAJ KDU-CSL, SZ A SNK ED"

The eldest candidate (Age: 74)

Table: The eldest candidate (Age: 74) – a part 1
The eldest candidate (Age: 74) – a part 1
Region: 1 – Středočeský
Candidate number: 51
Surname: Pesek
First name: Jan
Degrees: -
Occupation: stavebni technik
Residence: Kolin

The youngest candidate (Age: 24)

Table: The youngest candidate (Age: 24) – a part 1
The youngest candidate (Age: 24) – a part 1
Region: 1 – Středočeský
Candidate number: 56
Surname: Novakova
First name: Karolina
Degrees: -
Occupation: studentka lekarske fakulty
Residence: Ricany

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