Elections to regional councils held on 2 and 3 October 2020

The eldest and the youngest councillors

Region: Ustecky kraj

List of candidates: Spojenci pro kraj

The eldest councillor (Age: 62)

The eldest councillor (Age: 62) – a part 1
Candidate number: 4
Surname: Medacek
First name: Petr
Degrees: Ing. CSc., MBA
Occupation: vedecky pracovnik, starosta mesta
Residence: Budyne nad Ohri

The youngest councillor (Age: 44)

The youngest councillor (Age: 44) – a part 1
Candidate number: 2
Surname: Zakovska
First name: Karolina
Degrees: JUDr. Ph.D.
Occupation: pravnicka, vysokoskolska pedagozka,zastup.mesta
Residence: Usti nad Labem