Election of the President of the Czech Republic held on 13–14 January 2023

Voting results for territorial units – choice of a municipality

Region: Plzensky kraj

District: Rokycany

Voting results for territorial units – District Rokycany – choice of a municipality – part 1

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
541095 Bezdekov X
559725 Brasy X
559733 Brezina X
559741 Bujesily X
559750 Busovice X
559768 Cekov X
540927 Cila X
559776 Dobriv X
530379 Drahonuv Ujezd X
559792 Ejpovice X
559806 Hlohovice X
559814 Holoubkov X
559822 Hradek X
541001 Hradiste X
559849 Hurky X
559857 Cheznovice X
540803 Chlum X
541141 Chomle X
579017 Kakejcov X
566811 Kamenec X
541150 Kamenny Ujezd X
559903 Karez X
530361 Karizek X

Voting results for territorial units – District Rokycany – choice of a municipality – part 2

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
559911 Klabava X
559920 Kladruby X
579033 Kornatice X
567001 Lhota pod Radcem X
559946 Lhotka u Radnic X
559954 Liblin X
559962 Lisna X
553611 Litohlavy X
579009 Medovy Ujezd X
579084 Mesno X
559997 Mirosov X
560006 Mlecice X
560014 Myto X
566837 Nemcovice X
541192 Nevid X
560057 Osek X
566993 Ostrovec-Lhotka X
566861 Pliskov X
560081 Podmokly X
579131 Prikosice X
560111 Privetice X
560120 Radnice X
566942 Rakova X

Voting results for territorial units – District Rokycany – choice of a municipality – part 3

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
559717 Rokycany X
560146 Sebecice X
546488 Sira X
566845 Skomelno X
506664 Skorice X
540722 Smedcice X
560162 Strasice X
541176 Svojkovice X
579343 Stitov X
560189 Tene X
566802 Teresov X
546526 Teskov X
579246 Trokavec X
546534 Tycek X
546551 Ujezd u Svateho Krize X
560227 Vejvanov X
560235 Vesela X
579289 Visky X
560251 Volduchy X
566799 Vsenice X
560260 Zbiroh X
541061 Zvikovec X
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