Election of the President of the Czech Republic held on 13–14 January 2023

Voting results for territorial units – choice of a municipality

Region: Ustecky kraj

District: Chomutov

Voting results for territorial units – District Chomutov – choice of a municipality – part 1

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
562980 Bilence X
562998 Blatno X
563005 Bolebor X
563013 Brezno X
563021 Cernovice X
563048 Domasin X
563056 Drouzkovice X
563064 Hora Svateho Sebestiana X
563072 Hrusovany X
563081 Chbany X
562971 Chomutov X
563099 Jirkov X
563102 Kadan X
563111 Kalek X
563129 Klasterec nad Ohri X

Voting results for territorial units – District Chomutov – choice of a municipality – part 2

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
563137 Kovarska X
563315 Krystofovy Hamry X
563161 Krimov X
563188 Libedice X
546518 Loucna pod Klinovcem X
563200 Malkov X
563218 Mastov X
563226 Medenec X
563242 Misto X
546160 Nezabylice X
563269 Okounov X
563277 Otvice X
563285 Perstejn X
546062 Pesvice X
563293 Petipsy X

Voting results for territorial units – District Chomutov – choice of a municipality – part 3

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
546071 Racetice X
563323 Radonice X
563331 Rokle X
563340 Sporice X
563358 Strupcice X
563382 Udlice X
563404 Vejprty X
563412 Velika Ves X
563439 Vilemov X
563463 Vrskman X
563471 Vsehrdy X
563480 Vsestudy X
563498 Vysluni X
563501 Vysoka Pec X
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