Election of the President of the Czech Republic held on 13–14 January 2023

Voting results for territorial units – choice of a municipality

Region: Liberecky kraj

District: Jablonec nad Nisou

Voting results for territorial units – District Jablonec nad Nisou – choice of a municipality – part 1

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
563528 Albrechtice v Jizerskych horach X
563536 Bedrichov X
530425 Dalesice X
563552 Desna X
563561 Drzkov X
563579 Frydstejn X
577081 Harrachov X
563510 Jablonec nad Nisou X
563595 Janov nad Nisou X
563609 Jenisovice X
563617 Jilove u Drzkova X
546585 Jiretin pod Bukovou X

Voting results for territorial units – District Jablonec nad Nisou – choice of a municipality – part 2

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
563633 Josefuv Dul X
563641 Koberovy X
563668 Korenov X
563676 Lisny X
563684 Louznice X
563692 Lucany nad Nisou X
563706 Mala Skala X
563714 Marsovice X
563731 Nova Ves nad Nisou X
563749 Pencin X
563757 Plavy X
546577 Pulecny X

Voting results for territorial units – District Jablonec nad Nisou – choice of a municipality – part 3

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
563773 Radcice X
563781 Radlo X
563790 Rychnov u Jablonce nad Nisou X
563803 Skuhrov X
563811 Smrzovka X
563820 Tanvald X
563838 Velke Hamry X
563846 Vlastibor X
563854 Zasada X
563862 Zlata Olesnice X
563871 Zelezny Brod X
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