Election of the President of the Czech Republic held on 13–14 January 2023

Voting results for territorial units – choice of a municipality

Region: Kralovehradecky kraj

District: Jicin

Voting results for territorial units – District Jicin – choice of a municipality – part 1

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
553701 Bacalky X
572667 Basnice X
572675 Bechary X
548901 Bilsko u Horic X
572705 Bohanka X
548979 Borek X
549100 Brada-Rybnicek X
549070 Brezina X
548855 Bristany X
548952 Budceves X
573353 Bukvice X
549282 Butoves X
572772 Bystrice X
572781 Cerekvice nad Bystrici X
548995 Cervena Tremesna X
572811 Cesov X
572829 Detenice X
549118 Dilce X
572837 Dobra Voda u Horic X
549088 Dolni Lochov X
573337 Drevenice X
572900 Holin X
572918 Holovousy X
572926 Horice X
549355 Cholenice X
572969 Chomutice X
549037 Chotec X
549223 Chyjice X
572993 Jerice X
572659 Jicin X
573001 Jicineves X
549151 Jinolice X
549312 Kacakova Lhota X
549169 Kbelnice X
573043 Kneznice X
573051 Konecchlumi X
573060 Kopidlno X

Voting results for territorial units – District Jicin – choice of a municipality – part 2

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
548928 Kostelec X
548944 Kovac X
572136 Kozojedy X
572047 Kyje X
573094 Lazne Belohrad X
573108 Liban X
573116 Libosovice X
573124 Libun X
573086 Liskovice X
573141 Lukavec u Horic X
573159 Luzany X
573167 Markvartice X
573175 Miletin X
548863 Milovice u Horic X
573205 Mladejov X
573213 Mlazovice X
573230 Nemyceves X
549207 Nevratice X
573248 Nova Paka X
549185 Oharice X
548910 Ohavec X
573264 Osek X
573272 Ostromer X
573281 Ostruzno X
573299 Pecka X
548871 Petrovicky X
573311 Podhorni Ujezd a Vojice X
573329 Podhradi X
573345 Podulsi X
573370 Radim X
549274 Rasin X
573221 Rohoznice X
548898 Rokytnany X
573442 Samsina X
573451 Sber X
548961 Sedliste X
572144 Sekerice X

Voting results for territorial units – District Jicin – choice of a municipality – part 3

The table allows you to choose from the lists of names and overviews by surname or number. The accessible list is denoted by the capital letter X, the inaccessible one by the capital letter N. The table also allows you to choose a ward within the given municipality. Click on the links marked with X to select. The number of a municipality refers to voting results for the whole municipality; the name of a municipality refers to a choice of an area.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
573469 Slatiny X
572187 Slavhostice X
573477 Sobcice X
573361 Soberaz X
573493 Sobotka X
573507 Stara Paka X
530735 Stare Hrady X
549096 Stare Misto X
573523 Stare Smrkovice X
573540 Strevac X
548880 Sukorady X
573302 Svatojansky Ujezd X
573256 Sarovcova Lhota X
572756 Tetin X
573612 Trebnouseves X
573639 Trtenice X
573647 Tur X
573655 Ubislavice X
573663 Udrnice X
573671 Uhlejov X
573680 Ujezd pod Troskami X
573698 Ulibice X
573701 Valdice X
573728 Velis X
573736 Vidochov X
573752 Vitineves X
573761 Volanice X
572128 Vrbice X
573795 Vrsce X
549029 Vresnik X
573809 Vysoke Veseli X
549193 Zamosti-Blata X
573183 Zelenecka Lhota X
573825 Zeleznice X
573833 Zeretice X
573841 Zidovice X
573850 Zlunice X