Elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 25 – 26 October 2013

Lists of names

Region: Stredocesky kraj

Party: Ceska strana socialne demokraticka

Choice: elected deputies by order number

Candidate Nominating
Occupation Place of residence Preferential votes Ranking
surname, first name, degrees age No in %
1 Hamacek Jan 34 CSSD CSSD vedouci zahranicniho oddeleni Mlada Boleslav 6 558 5.66 2
2 Urban Milan Ing. 55 CSSD CSSD hutni inzenyr Caslav 5 972 5.15 3
3 Petera Milos Ing. 55 CSSD CSSD starosta Nymburka Nymburk 3 023 2.61 4
4 Dolejs Richard 43 CSSD CSSD mistostarosta Zdic Zdice 2 844 2.45 5
5 Zemek Vaclav Ing. 39 CSSD CSSD vedouci odd. Krajskeho uradu Vlasim 2 346 2.02 6
12 Huml Stanislav Mgr. 58 CSSD BEZPP dopravni expert Brandys nad Labem-Stara Boleslav 7 416 6.40 1

Data sourcewww.volby.cz
Page generated on13 Oct 2024 18:23:01
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