Elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 25 – 26 October 2013

Total voting results

Wards Voters
in the electoral roll
in %
% of valid
total proc. in %
14 873 14 873 100.00 8 424 227 5 010 944 59.48 5 007 212 4 969 984 99.26

Voting results for territorial units – a part 1

Table caption The table allows to select a territorial unit at the level of Districts. To select any other territorial unit use the links marked with X.
Party Valid votes
number name total in %
1 Ceska str.socialne demokrat. 1 016 829 20.45
2 Strana svobodnych obcanu 122 564 2.46
3 Ceska piratska strana 132 417 2.66
4 TOP 09 596 357 11.99
5 HLAVU VZHURU - volebni blok 21 241 0.42
6 Obcanska demokraticka strana 384 174 7.72
7 Romska demokraticka strana 609 0.01
8 Klub angazovanych nestraniku 293 0.00
9 politicke hnuti Zmena 28 592 0.57
10 Strana soukromniku CR 13 041 0.26
11 Krest.demokr.unie-Cs.str.lid. 336 970 6.78
12 Volte Pr.Blok www.cibulka.net 1 225 0.02

Voting results for territorial units – a part 2

Table caption The table allows to select a territorial unit at the level of Districts. To select any other territorial unit use the links marked with X.
Party Valid votes
number name total in %
13 Suver.-Strana zdraveho rozumu 13 538 0.27
14 Aktiv nezavislych obcanu 1 237 0.02
15 Strana Prav Obcanu ZEMANOVCI 75 113 1.51
16 OBCANE 2011 455 0.00
17 Usvit prime demokr.T.Okamury 342 339 6.88
18 Delnic.str.socialni spravedl. 42 906 0.86
20 ANO 2011 927 240 18.65
21 Komunisticka str.Cech a Moravy 741 044 14.91
22 LEV 21-Narodni socialiste 3 843 0.07
23 Strana zelenych 159 025 3.19
24 Koruna Ceska (monarch.strana) 8 932 0.17
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Data sourcewww.volby.cz
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