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Elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 25 – 26 October 2013

Voting results for territorial units

Region: Kralovehradecky kraj

District: Jicin

Wards Voters
in the electoral roll
in %
% of valid
total proc. in %
180 180 100.00 64 911 40 014 61.64 39 991 39 645 99.13

Voting results for territorial units – District Jicin – a part 1

Table caption The table allows to select a territorial unit at the level of Districts. To select any other territorial unit use the links marked with X.
Party Valid votes Pref.
number name total in %
1 Ceska str.socialne demokrat. 7 422 18.72 X
2 Strana svobodnych obcanu 989 2.49 X
3 Ceska piratska strana 988 2.49 X
4 TOP 09 5 241 13.21 X
5 HLAVU VZHURU - volebni blok 137 0.34 X
6 Obcanska demokraticka strana 2 553 6.43 X
9 politicke hnuti Zmena 281 0.70 X
10 Strana soukromniku CR 114 0.28 X
11 Krest.demokr.unie-Cs.str.lid. 1 951 4.92 X

Voting results for territorial units – District Jicin – a part 2

Table caption The table allows to select a territorial unit at the level of Districts. To select any other territorial unit use the links marked with X.
Party Valid votes Pref.
number name total in %
13 Suver.-Strana zdraveho rozumu 144 0.36 X
14 Aktiv nezavislych obcanu 54 0.13 X
15 Strana Prav Obcanu ZEMANOVCI 470 1.18 X
17 Usvit prime demokr.T.Okamury 3 331 8.40 X
18 Delnic.str.socialni spravedl. 354 0.89 X
20 ANO 2011 8 552 21.57 X
21 Komunisticka str.Cech a Moravy 5 922 14.93 X
22 LEV 21-Narodni socialiste 37 0.09 X
23 Strana zelenych 1 105 2.78 X