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Election to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 23.9. – 24.9.2022

Lists of names and overviews

District: 22 – Praha 10

Choice: candidates with returned election deposit by number

District 22 – Praha 10

Candidate Electoral
Occupation Place of residence 1st round 2nd round
number surname, first name, degrees age votes % votes %
2 Chmelova Renata 51 Ze+STAN+LES+SEN STAN BEZPP senatorka Parlamentu CR, starostka Prahy 10 do 27.6.2022 Praha 8 075 24.35 6 410 39.55
3 Pirk Jan prof. MUDr. DrSc. 74 KDU+ODS+TOP 09 TOP 09 BEZPP kardiochirurg, emeritni prednosta Kardiocentra IKEM a spoluzakladatel Kardiocentra Fakultni nemocnice Kralovske Vinohrady Praha 14 846 44.77 9 796 60.44
4 Leisztner Helena Ing. 66 ANO ANO ANO malirka, fotografka a odevni designerka Praha 3 838 11.57 0 0.00
6 Kobza Jiri Mgr. 66 SPD SPD SPD poslanec, diplomat Praha 3 514 10.59 0 0.00