Election to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 23.9. – 24.9.2022

Overviews – the eldest and the youngest senators

All electoral districts

All electoral parties

The eldest senator (age: 74)

Electoral party: 1327 – Koalice KDU-ČSL, ODS a TOP 09
Electoral district: 22 – Praha 10
Senator No: 3
Surname: Pirk
First name: Jan
Degrees: prof. MUDr. DrSc.
Occupation: kardiochirurg, emeritni prednosta Kardiocentra IKEM a spoluzakladatel Kardiocentra Fakultni nemocnice Kralovske Vinohrady
Place of residence: Praha
Electoral party: 1531 – Koalice KDU-ČSL, ODS, STAN a TOP 09
Electoral district: 25 – Praha 6
Senator No: 4
Surname: Ruzicka
First name: Jiri
Degrees: Mgr.
Occupation: senator a reditel gymnazia
Place of residence: Praha

The youngest senator (age: 41)

Electoral party: 1175 – ProMOST
Electoral district: 4 – Most
Senator No: 5
Surname: Paparega
First name: Jan
Degrees: Mgr.
Occupation: primator statutarniho mesta Mostu
Place of residence: Most