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Election to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 5.11. – 6.11.2004

Voting results – choice of a municipality

District: 40 – Kutna Hora

Choice of a municipality or a ward – a part 1

Table caption The table allows to select a municipality by its number or provides a link to a ward selection for a given municipality. The link to the ward selection is denoted by the capital letter X. When the municipality is without wards, the link is the same as for the municipality selection.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
531367 Adamov X
546194 Backov X
573566 Bela X
531111 Bernardov X
533971 Bile Podoli X
530964 Bludov X
533980 Bohdanec X
568457 Bojiste X
573558 Bonkov X
568465 Borek X
530832 Brambory X
531286 Bratcice X
533998 Cirkvice X
534005 Caslav X
529524 Cejkovice X
534013 Cerniny X
534021 Cervene Janovice X
534030 Cestin X
568520 Cihost X
529559 Dobrovitov X
568601 Dolni Mesto X
531260 Dolni Pohled X
531341 Drobovice X
568619 Druhanov X
568635 Golcuv Jenikov X
568651 Habry X
568678 Heralec X
548596 Hermanice X
531197 Hlizov X
568694 Hnevkovice X
531430 Horka I X
534056 Horka II X
531359 Horky X
548243 Horni Paseka X
531481 Horusice X
534064 Hostovlice X
531413 Hrabesin X
568724 Hradec X
534081 Chaberice X
534099 Chlistovice X
534102 Chotusice X
568767 Chrtnic X
573574 Chrenovice X
568783 Jedla X
548413 Jilem X
534129 Kacov X
568821 Kamen X
568848 Kamenna Lhota X
534137 Kluky X
531405 Kobylnice X
551465 Kosice X
548189 Kouty X
568899 Kozlov X

Choice of a municipality or a ward – a part 2

Table caption The table allows to select a municipality by its number or provides a link to a ward selection for a given municipality. The link to the ward selection is denoted by the capital letter X. When the municipality is without wards, the link is the same as for the municipality selection.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
568902 Kozli X
548618 Kraborovice X
568929 Krasna Hora X
534153 Krchleby X
534161 Kresetice X
548570 Kunemil X
533955 Kutna Hora X
568953 Kvetinov X
568970 Kynice X
568988 Ledec nad Sazavou X
534170 Ledecko X
568996 Leskovice X
569011 Lestina u Svetle X
569038 Lipa X
569046 Lipnice nad Sazavou X
569062 Lucice X
569071 Malcin X
534188 Malesov X
548316 Michalovice X
534200 Miskovice X
530999 Mocovice X
548197 Nejepin X
534226 Nepomerice X
569160 Nova Ves u Chotebore X
569151 Nova Ves u Lestiny X
555266 Nova Ves u Svetle X
534242 Nove Dvory X
569186 Okrouhlice X
534251 Okresanec X
569216 Olesna X
534277 Onomysl X
530956 Opatovice I X
548359 Ostrov X
569232 Ovesna Lhota X
531278 Pabenice X
569241 Pavlov X
534307 Pertoltice X
534315 Petrovice I X
534323 Petrovice II X
548251 Podmoky X
528196 Podveky X
573591 Pohled X
534331 Potehy X
569313 Prosicka X
569348 Priseka X
569364 Radostin X
534340 Rasovice X
534358 Rataje nad Sazavou X
526622 Rohozec X
569411 Rybnicek X
534366 Rendejov X
534374 Samopse X
569429 Sazavka X

Choice of a municipality or a ward – a part 3

Table caption The table allows to select a municipality by its number or provides a link to a ward selection for a given municipality. The link to the ward selection is denoted by the capital letter X. When the municipality is without wards, the link is the same as for the municipality selection.
Municipality Choice of
a ward
number name
548421 Sedletin X
530859 Semtes X
531383 Schorov X
569461 Skryje X
569470 Skuhrov X
548341 Slavnic X
534391 Slavosov X
573604 Sluzatky X
534293 Sobesin X
531065 Sounov X
534412 Stankovice X
530875 Starkoc X
531391 Sudejov X
534439 Suchdol X
534196 Svaty Mikulas X
569569 Svetla nad Sazavou X
531421 Sebestenice X
530930 Stipoklasy X
569615 Tis X
569623 Trpisovice X
530981 Trebesice X
530972 Trebetin X
571741 Trebonin X
534480 Tupadly X
569640 Uhelna Pribram X
534498 Uhlirske Janovice X
534501 Umonin X
534510 Uzice X
534528 Vavrinec X
569674 Veprikov X
569682 Vesely Zdar X
569691 Vez X
534536 Vidice X
569712 Vilemov X
569721 Vilemovice X
534544 Vinare X
534552 Vlacice X
534561 Vlastejovice X
534579 Vlkanec X
569739 Vlkanov X
531014 Vodranty X
534587 Vrdy X
534595 Zabori nad Labem X
534609 Zbizuby X
534617 Zbraslavice X
534625 Zbysov X
534633 Zruc nad Sazavou X
548626 Zvestovice X
534641 Zaky X
534650 Zehusice X
534668 Zleby X
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