Seznam spisovatelů Nového myšlení

Toto je seznam spisovatelů, kteří byli považování za autory knih, článků týkajících se hnutí Nového myšlení.


  • James Allen[1]Above Life's Turmoil, As A Man Thinketh (česky vyšlo jako Jak člověk smýšlí, 2009, 2011), Byways to Blessedness.
  • U.S. Andersen[2]Happiness is the Secret of Secrets, Three Magic Words
  • William Walker Atkinson [pozn. 1] [3]Thought Vibration, or The Law of Attraction in the Thought World, The Mastery of Being, Your Mind and How to Use It, Personal Power Series (12 dílů), a dalších více než 100 knih, česky byly vydány knihy Kybalion (2008) a Úplný systém psychických nauk (1998)


  • Frederick BailesHidden Power for Human Problems, Your Mind Can Heal You
  • Heather McCloskey Beck –:Take the Leap
  • Michael Beckwith[4]Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential
  • Genevieve BehrendAttaining Your Heart's Desire, Your Invisible Power
  • Raymond Charles Barker[5]Treat Yourself to Life, Money is God in Action
  • Clara BerangerPeace Begins At Home
  • Kate Atkinson Boehme[6]The Attainment of Happiness, The Radiant Path to Achievement, Mental Healing Made Plain.
  • Dorothea BrandeWake Up and Live
  • Claude BristolThe Magic of Believing
  • Nona Lovell Brooks[7] –:hort Lessons in Divine Science, Mysteries, Divine Science and the Truth
  • Eric Butterworth"The Word Is Unity" Unity New York (1971), "Unity: A Quest For Truth" Robert Speller & Sons (1965), "Discover The Power Within You" Harper and Row (1968), "Unity Of All Life" DeVorss and Company (1969), "Life Is For Living" Unity New York (1974), "In The Flow Of Life" Harper & Row (1975), "How To Break The Ten Commandments" Harper and Row (1977), "Spiritual Economics" Unity School of Christianity (1983), "Celebrate Yourself" Unity School of Christianity (1984), "You Make The Difference" Harper And Row (1984), "The Concentric Perspective" Unity School of Christianity (1984), "The Universe Is Calling" HarperCollins (1993), "PosiTrends Or Negatrends" Devorss & Co. (1998), "The Creative Life" Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam (2001). "Eric Butterworth: His Life and Teaching, Neal Vahle author, Open View Press, San Francisco (2012)
  • Rhonda Byrne[8]The Secret (česky vyšlo jako Tajemství, 2011, 2018), The Power (česky vyšlo jako Moc, 2018), The Magic (česky vyšlo jako Kouzlo, 2013), The Hero (česky vyšlo jako Hrdina, 2014), Daily Teachings (česky vyšlo jako Denní naučení, 2014), How The Secret chanded my life (česky vyšlo jako Jak mi Tajemství změnilo život, 2018)



  • Mike DooleyInfinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams, Leveraging the Universe: 7 Steps to Engaging Life’s Magic, Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier, The Top 10 Things Dead People Want to Tell You
  • Tamara Lee DorrisThe Law of Distraction & Art of Intending
  • Richard DottsAllowing Divine Intervention, Dollars flow to me, It is done
  • Horatio Dresser[14]The Quimby Manuscripts, The Power of Silence, Spiritual Health and Healing
  • Henry Drummond[15]The Greatest Thing in the World
  • Dr. Wayne W. Dyer[16]Power of Intention (česky vyšlo jako Splněná přání, 2012), You'll See It When You Believe It (česky vyšlo jako Uvidíte to, až tomu uvěříte, 1989, 1996)




  • Shakti GawainCreative Visualization (česky vyšlo jako Tvůrčí představivost, 1991)
  • Walter M. GermainThe Magic Power of Your Mind
  • Neville Goddard[22]Feeling Is The Secret, Your Faith is Your Fortune, The Neville Reader, The Law & the Promise, At Your Command, Awakened Imagination, Prayer: The Art of Believing, Resurrection, Awakened Imagination/The Search, Seedtime & Harvest, Out of This World: Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally
  • Thaddeus Golas[23] [24]The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment (česky vyšlo jako Líného muže (ženy) cesta k osvícení, 1996)
  • Joel S. Goldsmith[25] [26]The Infinite Way, The Art of Spiritual Healing, Thunder of Silence, Practicing the Presence
  • Dr. Kenneth D Gordon [27]Mind and Manifestation
  • Stuart Grayson[28]Spiritual Healing: A Simple Guide for the Healing of Body, Mind, and Spirit.
  • Joseph Perry Green








  • Mildred Mann[38]Become What You Believe
  • Orison Swett Marden[50]Peace, Power, and Plenty, Every Man A King, or, Might in Mind-Mastery
  • Art MaxinLove Your Neighbor
  • May McCarthyThe Path to Wealth, Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance
  • Jed McKennaSpiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing, Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment, Spiritual Warfare, Theory of Everything, Play, Dreamstate: A Conspiracy Theory
  • Kevin L. MichelMoving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams
  • Annie Rix Militz[9]Concentration
  • Kenneth G. MillsThe Key: Identity; Change Your Standpoint, Change Your World
  • Edward Morrissey
  • Mary Manin Morrissey
  • Alfred G. MosesJewish Science: Divine Healing in Judaism
  • A. K. Mozumdar
  • Prentice MulfordThoughts Are Things
  • Joseph Murphy[51]The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind (česky vyšlo jako Moc podvědomí, 1993)
  • Michael Murphy[52]Powerful Attitudes, Golf in the Kingdom (česky vyšlo jako Golf v království, 1997)
  • Caroline Myss[53]Why People don't Heal and how they Can (česky vyšlo jako Proč se lidé neléčí a jak mohou, 2001), Sacred Contracts, Awekening your divine potential (česky vyšlo jako Posvátné smlouvy. Jak probudit svůj božský potenciál, 2005), Invisible Acts of Power (česky vyšlo jako Neviditelné dary, 2006), Defy Gravity (česky vyšlo jako Stav beztíže, 2010), Archetypes: Who Are You? (česky vyšlo jako Archetypy: Kdo jste vy?, 2013), Anatomy of the Spirit - The Seven Stages of Power and Healing (česky vyšlo jako Anatomie ducha, 2017)







  • Joe Vitale[62]The Seven Lost Secret of Success (slovensku vyšlo jako Sedem stratených tajomstiev úspechu, 2007), The Key (česky vyšlo jako Klíč, 2009), Zero limits (česky vyšlo jako Svět bez hranic, 2009, spoluautor Haleakalā Hew Len[63]), The Attractor Factor (česky vyšlo jako Síla přitažlivosti, 2010), Life's Missing Instruction Manual (česky vyšlo jako Návod na šťastný život, 2010), The Awakening Course (slovensky vyšlo jako Kurz precitnutia, 2011), In Tune With the Infinite (česky vyšlo jako V souzvuku s nekonečnem, 2000), At Zero (česky vyšlo jako Na Nule, 2014), The Remembering Process (česky vyšlo jako Jak si pamatovat věci a události, 2000, spoluautor Daniel J. Barrett[64]), The Awakened Millionaire (česky vyšlo jako Probuzený milionář, 2017)
  • Iyanla Vanzant[65]






  1. William Walker Atkinson (5. prosince 1862, Baltimore, Maryland, USA – 22. listopadu 1932, Los Angeles, Kalifornie, USA), pseudonym Theron Dumont


V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku List of New Thought writers na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. James Allen. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  2. (1978) American book publishing record cumulative, 1950-1977: An American national bibliography, Volumes 9-15. R.R. Bowker Company. p 80.
  3. William Walker Atkinson. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  4. House, J.M. (2008) Peak Vitality: Raising the Threshold of Abundance in Our Material, Spiritual and Emotional Lives. Elite Books. p 471.
  5. Holmes, E. (1941) Mind remakes your world.Chicago: Dodd, Mead and Company. p 17. Note: Barker was an ordained Religious Science minister.
  6. Boehme, K.A. (1902) Mental healing made plain.National Publishing Company. p 76.
  7. Gallagher, E.V. and Ashcraft, W.M. (2006) Introduction to new and alternative religions. Greewood Press. p 214.
  8. Lofton, K. (2011) Oprah: The Gospel of an Icon. University of California Press. p 43.
  9. a b c d Talbot, E.A. (1921) Lessons in meditation. E.P. Dutton & Company. p. 101.
  10. Byrne, R. (2010) The Power. Simon & Schuster. p 72.
  11. O'Shea, D. (March 2005) "When the spirit moves us", San Diego magazine. Vol. 57, No. 5. p 118. ISSN 0036-4045.
  12. Ellwood, R.S. (1997) The fifties spiritual marketplace: American religion in a decade of conflict. Rutgers University Press, p 225.
  13. Cramer, M.E. (1905) Divine science and healing. Home College of Divine Science. p 242.
  14. Satter, B. (2001) Each Mind a Kingdom: American Women, Sexual Purity, and the New Thought Movement, 1875-1920. University of California Press. p 198.
  15. Larson, M.A. (1985) New Thought, or, A modern religious approach: The philosophy of health, happiness, and prosperity. Philosophical Library. p 224.
  16. Wayne W. Dyer. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  17. Ralph Waldo Emerson. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  18. Mosley, G. (2006) New Thought, Ancient Wisdom: The History and Future of the New Thought Movement. Templeton Foundation Press. p. 132. ISBN 978-1-59947-089-4.
  19. a b c Mosley, G. (2006) New Thought, Ancient Wisdom: The History and Future of the New Thought Movement. Templeton Foundation Press. p. 134. ISBN 978-1-59947-089-4.
  20. a b c d Mosley, G. (2006) New Thought, Ancient Wisdom: The History and Future of the New Thought Movement. Templeton Foundation Press. p. 136. ISBN 978-1-59947-089-4.
  21. Griffith, R.M. (2004) Born again bodies: Flesh and spirit in American Christianity. University of California Press. p. 268.
  22. Goddard, N. and Vitale, J. (2005) At Your Command. Morgan James Publishing. p. 11.
  23. York, M. (1995) The emerging network: A sociology of the New Age and neo-pagan movements. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 54.
  24. Golas Thaddeus. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  25. Goldsmith, J.S. (1994) The Invisible Supply: Finding the Gifts of the Spirit Within. HarperCollins. p 69.
  26. Ellwood, R.S. and Alles, G.D. (2007) The encyclopedia of world religions. Infobase Publishing, 2007. p. 323.
  27. (2010) Mind and Manifestation CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. ISBN 1-450-55654-X. p 124.
  28. (1997) Spiritual Healing: A Simple Guide for the Healing of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-684-82365-9. p 256.
  29. Lofton, K. (2011) Oprah: The gospel of an icon. University of California Press. p 42.
  30. Charles Francis Haanel. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  31. Rodgers, D.T. (1979) The work ethic in industrial America, 1850-1920. University of Chicago Press. p 110.
  32. Frank Channing Haddock. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  33. Jones, D. and Woodbridge, R. (2011) Health, Wealth & Happiness: Has the Prosperity Gospel Overshadowed the Gospel of Christ? Kregel Publications. p 43.
  34. Satter, B. (2001) Each Mind a Kingdom: American Women, Sexual Purity, and the New Thought Movement, 1875-1920. University of California Press. p 252.
  35. Esther Hicks. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  36. Jerry Hicks. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  37. Napoleon Hill. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  38. a b Mosley, G. (2006) New Thought, Ancient Wisdom: The History and Future of the New Thought Movement. Templeton Foundation Press. p. 137. ISBN 978-1-59947-089-4.
  39. Braden, C.S. (1963) Spirits in rebellion: The rise and development of new thought. Southern Methodist University Press. p 493.
  40. Harley, G.M. (2002) Emma Curtis Hopkins: Forgotten founder of New Thought. Syracuse University Press. - Note: The whole book is about her being a founder of the New Thought movement.
  41. Garraty, J.A. and Carnes, M.C. for the American Council of Learned Societies. (1999) American National Biography: Hofstadter-Jepson. Oxford University Press. p 81.
  42. Mirage (2008) "The Answer is Simple". Hay House Publishing.
  43. Rosemary Skinner Keller, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Marie Cantlon (2006) Encyclopedia of women and religion in North America, Volume 2. Indiana University Press. p 758.
  44. James, G.W. (1916) Quit Your Worrying!. Public Domain.
  45. Katie, B. Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life, with Stephen Mitchell, Harmony Books, 2002. I Need Your Love—Is That True? How to Stop Seeking Love, Appreciation, and Approval and Start Finding Them Instead, with Michael Katz, Harmony Books, 2005. A Thousand Names for Joy: Living in Harmony with the Way Things Are, with Stephen Mitchell, Harmony Books, 2007. Question Your Thinking, Change the World: Quotations from Byron Katie, edited by Stephen Mitchell, Hay House, 2007. Who Would You Be Without Your Story?: Dialogues with Byron Katie, edited by Carol Williams, Hay House, 2008. Tiger-Tiger, Is It True?, illustrated by Hans Wilhelm, Hay House, 2009. Peace in the Present Moment, with Eckhart Tolle, Hampton Roads Pub Co Inc 2010, Newburyport, MA 2010. The Four Questions: For Henny Penny and Anybody with Stressful Thoughts, by Byron Katie, Illustrated by Hans Wilhelm, TarcherPerigee 2016. A Mind at Home with Itself: How Asking Four Questions Can Free Your Mind, Open Your Heart, and Turn Your World Around, by Byron Katie with Stephen Mitchell, HarperOne 2017.
  46. Kendrick, Jason (2009) It's Not Your Life, IT'S YOU. A Layman's Guide to the Power of Perspective Copyright: It's You Publishing 2009. Printed by: Lightning Surce Inc.
  47. Mosley, G. (2006) New Thought, Ancient Wisdom: The History and Future of the New Thought Movement. Templeton Foundation Press, 2006. p 136.
  48. Gardner, M. (1957) Fads and fallacies in the name of science. Courier Dover Publications, 1957. p 196.
  49. Long, M.F. (2006) Self-Suggestion and the New Huna Theory of Mesmerism and Hypnosis. Kessinger Publishing. p 86.
  50. a b Starker, S. (2002) Oracle at the supermarket: The American preoccupation with self-help books. Transaction Publishers. p 22.
  51. Joseph Murphy. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  52. Michael Murphy. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  53. Caroline Myss. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  54. Norman Vincent Peale. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  55. Catherine Ponder. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  56. (2010) Creating Your Reality: A book about life and the indispensable ways to improve it. Independent Publishing Platform. ISBN 9781453555514. p 256.
  57. Jane Roberts. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  58. Tosha Silver. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  59. Samuel Smiles. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  60. Braden, C.S. (1963) Spirits in rebellion: the rise and development of new thought. Southern Methodist University Press. p 493.
  61. Ralph Waldo Trine. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  62. Joe Vitale. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  63. Haleakalā Hew Len životopis | Databáze knih. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  64. Daniel J. Barrett životopis | Databáze knih. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  65. Vanzant, I. (2008) Tapping the Power Within: A Path to Self-Empowerment for Women. Hay House, Inc. p 283.
  66. Lynch, G. (2007) The new spirituality: An introduction to progressive belief in the twenty-first century. I.B.Tauris. 69.
  67. Neale Donald Walsch. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  68. (2007) The Prosperity Bible. Penguin. p. 1272.
  69. Wallace Wattles. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  70. Tumber, C. (2002) American feminism and the birth of new age spirituality: Searching for the higher self, 1875-1915. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 110.
  71. a b Goldwag, A. (2007) Isms and Ologies: All the Movements, Ideologies and Doctrines That Have Shaped Our World. Random House Digital, Inc.. p 303.
  72. Williamson, M. (1996) A return to love: Reflections on the principles of a Course in miracles. HarperCollins. p 309.
  73. Marianne Williamson. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  74. Gardner, M. (2010) When You Were a Tadpole and I Was a Fish: And Other Speculations About This and That. Macmillan. p. 49.
  75. Butler-Bowden, T. (2008) 50 Prosperity Classics: Attract It, Create It, Manage It, Share It: Wisdom from the Best Books on Wealth Creation and Abundance. Brealey Publishing. p 302.
  76. Stuart Wilde. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 
  77. Brown, H.H. (1903) New thought primer, origin, history and principles of the movement: A lesson in soul culture. Now Folk, 1903. p 51.
  78. Goldberg, P. (2010) American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation How Indian Spirituality Changed the West. Random House Digital, Inc.
  79. Tom Zender and James Cummins. God Goes to Work: New Thought Paths to Prosperity and Profits. [s.l.]: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. (anglicky)
  80. Gary Zukav. [online]. [cit. 2019-05-27]. Dostupné online. 

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