Information for Media

We, people at the Czech Statistical Office, strive for open, helpful, and especially fast communication with statistical data users.
The public may turn with questions or requests to the Information Services Unit – Headquarters.
In case the questions and requests deal with regional data then you may contact directly our Regional Information Services Units.

Journalists and other media workers may contact directly the Public Relations Department of the Czech Statistical Office, which shall provide for their questions would be responded as fast as possible, or potentially shall facilitate contacts with appropriate expert of the Czech Statistical Office who would answer queries on particular issues.

Jan Cieslar
Tel.: +420 274 052 017
Mobile: +420 604 149 190

Pavel Hortig
Tel.: +420 274 052 834
Mobile: +420 730 518 914

Michal Novotný
Director of Public Relations Department
Tel.: +420 274 052 475
Mobile: +420 605 401 219

The core activities of the Public Relations Department of the Czech Statistical Office also involve communication with media and organising of press conferences. The Department, furthermore, provides for the publishing of the Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic, journals of the Czech Statistical Office (Demografie, Statistika, and Statistika&My), and other printed outcomes.

Do you want to be kept informed on hot news and other novelties from the Czech Statistical Office?

Up-to-date pieces of information are posted on the CZSO website If you are interested to be kept informed on selected outcomes of the CZSO you can simply contact us at the email address We will be sending you our press releases, announcements on nearing press conferences, and other important information on the CZSO.

Newsletter (on Statistika & My) – is a brief overview of articles of the journal of Statistika & My in time of publishing of a current issue thereof (in the Czech language only).

Newsletter (on the CZSO production) – is on every Friday circulated overview of the last week released statistics and announcements of publications/events/data the CZSO will disclose in the next week, along with hot news from Eurostat and other international and world organisations (in the Czech language only).


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