www.volby.cz Czech Statistical Office www.czso.cz

Elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 8 – 9 October 2021

Territorial overviews of the voter turnout

Region: Ustecky kraj

District: Chomutov

Point of handover: Chomutov

Territorial overviews of the voter turnout – Point of handover Chomutov

Table caption The table allows to display territorial overviews of voter turnout and possible selection of other sub-territorial units. The number of a municipality refers to wards; the name of a municipality refers to a city section / city district.
Municipality Wards Voters
in the electoral roll
in %
% of valid
number name total proc. in %
562980 Bilence 1 1 100.00 199 119 59.80 119 118 99.16
562998 Blatno 1 1 100.00 464 355 76.51 355 354 99.72
563013 Brezno 1 1 100.00 1 125 708 62.93 708 706 99.72
563021 Cernovice 1 1 100.00 518 354 68.34 354 348 98.31
563056 Drouzkovice 1 1 100.00 639 431 67.45 431 429 99.54
563064 Hora Svateho Sebestiana 1 1 100.00 262 167 63.74 167 165 98.80
563072 Hrusovany 1 1 100.00 413 227 54.96 227 223 98.24
562971 Chomutov 40 40 100.00 36 563 19 505 53.35 19 492 19 326 99.15
563111 Kalek 1 1 100.00 209 139 66.51 139 138 99.28
563161 Krimov 1 1 100.00 316 183 57.91 183 182 99.45
563200 Malkov 1 1 100.00 743 530 71.33 530 527 99.43
563242 Misto 1 1 100.00 349 251 71.92 251 250 99.60
546160 Nezabylice 1 1 100.00 207 146 70.53 146 146 100.00
563340 Sporice 1 1 100.00 1 177 806 68.48 806 799 99.13
563382 Udlice 1 1 100.00 995 673 67.64 673 672 99.85
563471 Vsehrdy 1 1 100.00 332 236 71.08 236 231 97.88
563498 Vysluni 1 1 100.00 231 159 68.83 159 159 100.00
Total 56 56 100.00 44 742 24 989 55.85 24 976 24 773 99.19