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Elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 8 – 9 October 2021

Territorial overviews of the voter turnout

Region: Ustecky kraj

District: Chomutov

Point of handover: Kadan

Territorial overviews of the voter turnout – Point of handover Kadan

Table caption The table allows to display territorial overviews of voter turnout and possible selection of other sub-territorial units. The number of a municipality refers to wards; the name of a municipality refers to a city section / city district.
Municipality Wards Voters
in the electoral roll
in %
% of valid
number name total proc. in %
563081 Chbany 1 1 100.00 539 309 57.33 309 306 99.03
563102 Kadan 12 12 100.00 13 488 7 320 54.27 7 317 7 259 99.21
563188 Libedice 1 1 100.00 215 157 73.02 157 155 98.73
563218 Mastov 1 1 100.00 484 313 64.67 313 310 99.04
563293 Petipsy 1 1 100.00 166 89 53.61 89 88 98.88
546071 Racetice 1 1 100.00 327 215 65.75 215 214 99.53
563323 Radonice 1 1 100.00 937 550 58.70 550 549 99.82
563331 Rokle 1 1 100.00 280 142 50.71 141 132 93.62
563412 Velika Ves 1 1 100.00 266 155 58.27 155 155 100.00
563439 Vilemov 1 1 100.00 482 305 63.28 305 303 99.34
Total 21 21 100.00 17 184 9 555 55.60 9 551 9 471 99.16