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Elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 8 – 9 October 2021

Territorial overviews of the voter turnout

Region: Liberecky kraj

District: Liberec

Point of handover: Liberec

Territorial overviews of the voter turnout – Point of handover Liberec

Table caption The table allows to display territorial overviews of voter turnout and possible selection of other sub-territorial units. The number of a municipality refers to wards; the name of a municipality refers to a city section / city district.
Municipality Wards Voters
in the electoral roll
in %
% of valid
number name total proc. in %
530468 Dlouhy Most 1 1 100.00 749 537 71.70 537 535 99.63
530484 Jermanice 1 1 100.00 442 313 70.81 313 313 100.00
556904 Liberec (neclenene mesto) 81 81 100.00 71 277 46 789 65.64 46 731 46 387 99.26
556891 Liberec-Vratislavice nad Nisou 7 7 100.00 6 732 4 466 66.34 4 463 4 435 99.37
544477 Straz nad Nisou 1 1 100.00 1 791 1 301 72.64 1 301 1 296 99.62
564460 Simonovice 1 1 100.00 978 788 80.57 788 786 99.75
Total 92 92 100.00 81 969 54 194 66.12 54 133 53 752 99.30