www.volby.cz Czech Statistical Office www.czso.cz

Elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 8 – 9 October 2021

Territorial overviews of the voter turnout

Region: Jihomoravsky kraj

District: Vyskov

Point of handover: Bucovice

Territorial overviews of the voter turnout – Point of handover Bucovice

Table caption The table allows to display territorial overviews of voter turnout and possible selection of other sub-territorial units. The number of a municipality refers to wards; the name of a municipality refers to a city section / city district.
Municipality Wards Voters
in the electoral roll
in %
% of valid
number name total proc. in %
592897 Bohate Malkovice 1 1 100.00 199 119 59.80 119 117 98.32
592927 Brankovice 1 1 100.00 731 470 64.30 470 468 99.57
592943 Bucovice 8 8 100.00 5 260 3 376 64.18 3 375 3 346 99.14
592986 Dobrockovice 1 1 100.00 177 123 69.49 123 122 99.19
592994 Drazovice 1 1 100.00 737 515 69.88 515 514 99.81
593095 Chvalkovice 1 1 100.00 224 141 62.95 141 141 100.00
593150 Kojatky 1 1 100.00 289 176 60.90 176 176 100.00
593184 Kozusice 1 1 100.00 101 64 63.37 64 64 100.00
593222 Krizanovice 1 1 100.00 647 436 67.39 436 434 99.54
593257 Letonice 1 1 100.00 1 118 709 63.42 709 707 99.72
593290 Malinky 1 1 100.00 104 68 65.38 68 68 100.00
593338 Milonice 1 1 100.00 277 206 74.37 206 206 100.00
557048 Mourinov 1 1 100.00 385 217 56.36 217 216 99.54
593389 Nemochovice 1 1 100.00 244 153 62.70 153 152 99.35
593401 Nemotice 1 1 100.00 343 200 58.31 200 198 99.00
593419 Nesovice 1 1 100.00 887 569 64.15 569 567 99.65
593427 Nevojice 1 1 100.00 338 251 74.26 251 251 100.00
593532 Rasovice 1 1 100.00 527 328 62.24 328 324 98.78
593591 Snovidky 1 1 100.00 261 159 60.92 159 158 99.37
550191 Uhrice 1 1 100.00 210 124 59.05 124 124 100.00
Total 27 27 100.00 13 059 8 404 64.35 8 403 8 353 99.40