Cross-border movements of goods of the Czech Republic - monthly data - December 2020

Code: 241013-20
Product info
Code: 241013-20
Periodicity: Monthly
Product name: Cross-border movements of goods of the Czech Republic - monthly data
Note: Published at the same time as NR.
Annotation: Data on cross-border movements of goods of the Czech Republic in total and in territorial (by main groups of countries and selected countries) and commodity structure (by SITC 1 and SITC 2).
Area type: Country
Medium: Web
Product type: Publication
Version: Czech-English
To be released: 37th calendar day after the period
Publication date: 09.03.2020, 06.04.2020, 07.05.2020, 08.06.2020, 07.07.2020, 06.08.2020, 07.09.2020, 07.10.2020, 06.11.2020, 08.12.2020, 06.01.2021, 08.02.2021
Year: 2020
Information services: tel: 274 052 304
Contact: Ing. Monika Bartlová


All data of the publication (0.5 MB) ZIP
Methodological notes Word PDF

Graph 1 - Cross border movements of goods - YoY changes Excel PDF
Graph 2 - Cross border movements of goods - territorial structure Excel PDF
Graph 3 - Cross border movements of goods with selected countries Excel PDF
Graph 4 - Cross border movements of goods - SITC structure Excel PDF
Graph 5 - Cross border movements of goods with neighbouring countries Excel PDF

1.1 Cross border movements of goods in CZK, EUR and USD million
Excel PDF
2.1 Cross border movements of goods (turnover, exports, imports)
Excel PDF
3.1 Cross border movements of goods - turnover by territorial structure Excel PDF
3.2 Cross border movements of goods - exports by territorial structure Excel PDF
3.3 Cross border movements of goods - imports by territorial structure
Excel PDF
4.1 Cross border movements of goods with neighbouring countries Excel PDF
4.2 Cross border movements of goods with Germany Excel PDF
4.3 Cross border movements of goods with Poland Excel PDF
4.4 Cross border movements of goods with Austria Excel PDF
4.5 Cross border movements of goods with Slovakia
Excel PDF
5.1 Cross border movements of goods with top countries Excel PDF
5.2 Cross border movements of goods with selected EU countries Excel PDF
5.3 Cross border movements of goods with selected non-EU countries Excel PDF
5.4 Cross border movements of goods - exports to selected countries Excel PDF
5.5 Cross border movements of goods - imports from selected countries Excel PDF
5.6 Cross border movements of goods with China Excel PDF
5.7 Cross border movements of goods with Russian Federation Excel PDF
5.8 Cross border movements of goods with United Kingdom Excel PDF
5.9 Cross border movements of goods with United States
Excel PDF
6.1 Cross border movements of goods by SITC sections Excel PDF
6.2 Cross border movements of goods by SITC sections and territorial structure Excel PDF
6.3 Cross border movements of goods - exports by SITC division Excel PDF
6.4 Cross border movements of goods - imports by SITC division
Excel PDF
7.1 Cross border movements of goods - long-term trends Excel PDF
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Published: 08.02.2021
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.

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