Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal - No. 4/2014

Code: 320197-14
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Contact: Mgr. Ing. Jiří Novotný


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Quality Assessment and Improvement Methods in Statistics – what Works?
Hans Viggo Sæbø
Several methods for quality assessment and assurance in statistics have been developed in a European context. Data Quality Assessment Methods (DatQAM) were considered in a Eurostat handbook in 2007. These methods comprise quality reports and indicators, measurement of process variables, user surveys, self-assessments, audits, labelling and certifi cation. The entry point for the paper is the development of systematic quality work in European statistics with regard to good practices such as those described in the DatQAM handbook. Assessment is one issue, following up recommendations and implementation of improvement actions another. This leads to a discussion on the eff ect of approaches and tools: Which work well, which have turned out to be more of a challenge, and why? Examples are mainly from Statistics Norway, but these are believed to be representative for several statistical institutes.

Quality assurance, quality frameworks, quality reports, user satisfaction studies, labelling of statistics, quality reviews
Analysis of Long-Run GDP Development in the USA, the EU15, China and the USSR/Russia
Jiří Mihola, Petr Wawrosz

The paper analyses how changes in GDP in China, the USA, the EU15 and the USSR/Russia over a period of 50 years (1961–2011) were aff ected by change of intensive factors and change of extensive factors. Intensive factors consist primarily of technological progress. Extensive factors are the amounts of labour and capital. The analysis does not use growth accounting, but instead works with the ‘dynamic parameters’ of intensity and extensity. Contrary to the values of growth accounting, these parameters can be calculated not only for situations of GDP growth, but also for situations of GDP contraction and stagnation. They thus provide a komplete picture of GDP development. The paper briefl y explains the methodology for deriving the parameters. Their values for each territory are then analysed. The results show that the parameters are able to describe the real development of GDP and their information value is very high.

Intensive and extensive economic growth, dynamic parameter of intensity, dynamic parameter of extensity, measurement of intensity

Constructions of the Average Rate of Return of Pension or Investment Funds Based on Chain Indices
Jacek Białek
In this paper we consider the problem of the proper construction of the average rate of return of pension (or investment) funds. We refer to some economical postulates given by Gajek and Kaluszka (2000). We present, discuss and compare several measures of the average rate of return of funds. We also present alternative measures based on original chain indices. We take into consideration discrete and continuous time stochastic models.

Average rate of return, stochastic process, martingale, chain indices
Estimation of Poverty in Small Areas
Agne Bikauskaite
A qualitative techniques of poverty estimation is needed to better implement, monitor and determine national areas where support is most required. The problem of small area estimation (SAE) is the production of reliable estimates in areas with small samples. The precision of estimates in strata deteriorates (i.e. the precision decreases when the standard deviation increases), if the sample size is smaller. In these cases traditional direct estimators may be not precise and therefore pointless. Currently there are many indirect methods for SAE. The purpose of this paper is to analyze several diff erent types of techniques which produce small area estimates of poverty.

Poverty, small area estimation, Horvitz-Thompson, Generalised Regression, Synthetic, Jack-Knife
What is about Development of Wages in the Czech Education and Healthcare Sectors During and after the Economic Downturn?
Diana Bílková
Wages in the Czech education and healthcare sectors have been a widely debated issue. The present paper deals with the wage development in the above two areas compared to that on the national scale before, during and after the global recession, focusing on recent earnings of Czech teaching and medical staff. Since the income of the latter is notably affected by overtime pay, the structure of wages in the health service sector is given proper attention. The development of the wage levels and concentrations in both the sectors and their comparison with those in other areas is also considered, the professions with the lowest and highest earnings being highlighted.

Wage level, wage concentration, wage distribution, education sector, healthcare sector, worstpaid/best-paid professions
Economic Statistics or Statistical Methods in Economics?
Richard Hindls, Stanislava Hronová
In teaching statistics to economists, it often happens that insuffi cient distinction is drawn between statistical methods applied on economic data on the one hand, and economic statistics as a special discipline with its own theoretic basis, fundamental notions and a specific concept of indices on the other hand. The authors endeavour to point out pitfalls of this insuffi cient distinction and introduce didactic ways to resolve this problem.

Statistical methods in economics, economic and social statistics, teaching statistics
Development of the Measurement of Product
Jaroslav Sixta
The measurement of economy is a very long issue closely connected with the development of economic theories and the level of knowledge. Origin of modern measurement can be found in 17th century when Francois Quesnay compiled his Economic Table. Lots of successors developed economic concepts that are currently represented by the system of national accounting. Although national accounting has not a long history since it was established in 1950s, it has become known as a general tool for the description of economy. Development of national accounts was in line with development of economic theory and it respected the changes in economy and society. Both western and socialist countries we looking for methods and rules for the measurement of economy. The West relied on the System of National Accounts and the East focused on Material Product System based on Marx theories. After the collapse of communist regimes in the East, there remained only one universal measurement standard – national accounting. National accounts have been developed for more than 60 years and with several milestones. Currently, the new milestone – SNA 2008 / ESA 2010 is going to be put into practice. And the consequences will be very significant for many users.

Production, national accounts, ESA 2010
Beyond Statistical Methods – Compendium of Statistical Methods for Researchers
Ondřej Vozár
Book Review

HENDL, J. Přehled statistických metod: Analýza a metaanalýza dat (Overview of Statistical Methods: Data Analysis and Metaanalysis). 4th extended edition. Prague: Portál, 2012. ISBN 978-80-262-0200-4.
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Published: 29.12.2014
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.

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